Smart Contracts
Key Project Information
Token: ApeSwap.Finance Banana ($BANANA)
BANANA Token Address: 0x603c7f932ED1fc6575303D8Fb018fDCBb0f39a95
GNANA Token Address: 0xddb3bd8645775f59496c821e4f55a7ea6a6dc299
ApeFactory Contract Address: 0x0841BD0B734E4F5853f0dD8d7Ea041c241fb0Da6
ApeRouter Contract Address: 0xcF0feBd3f17CEf5b47b0cD257aCf6025c5BFf3b7
BNB Chain
DEX Contracts
ApeFactory: 0x0841BD0B734E4F5853f0dD8d7Ea041c241fb0Da6
The ApeFactory is the primary DEX contract which is used to create and track all pairs created on the ApeSwap protocol. When a new pair needs to be created, this contract deploys a completely new pair contract specifically for these tokens and notes the address for future lookup.
ApeRouter: 0xcF0feBd3f17CEf5b47b0cD257aCf6025c5BFf3b7
The ApeRouter is an external, non-value holding, contract which manages different sets of interactions with the ApeFactory related to adding/removing liquidity and swapping tokens. Because this contract holds no value it can be upgraded without needing to redeploy the ApeFactory.
BNB Chain Zap Contract: 0x7E060D0e0563fbD4CD2b3B845a992Eab31e47f8b
Yield Farm & Token Contracts
MasterApev2: 0x71354AC3c695dfB1d3f595AfA5D4364e9e06339B MasterApe: 0x5c8D727b265DBAfaba67E050f2f739cAeEB4A6F9
The MasterApe contract represents the main yield farm contract which is in charge of distributing BANANA to yield farmers staking on the ApeSwap protocol.
MasterApeAdmin: 0x9FEd2bC7F0b4F4350B52E29e0a3c2Bf5EbC3cc0A
The MasterApeAdmin contract is an admin proxy contract to the MasterApe which adds features to the MasterApe regarding farm management. It also adds a layer of security by separating roles by security concern.
TimelockV2 Secure: 0x211cBF06441BeB429677a011eAd947Eb6716054E
This is the owner of the MasterApeAdmin. This contract limits how fast owner functions can be called on the protocol. A transaction must first be queued in this contract which emits an event that users can evaluate. After a set delay, this tx can be executed.
TimelockV2 General: 0xA0528d54E722eDDA62A844431dCE7Ebb1c70325e
This contract has the farmAdmin role on the MasterApeAdmin contract. This role is used to make farm allocation adjustments to the MasterApe.
BananaToken: 0x603c7f932ED1fc6575303D8Fb018fDCBb0f39a95
BananaToken represents the native token of the ApeSwap protocol. This token is distributed to yield farmers who stake tokens which are recognized by ApeSwap's yield farm.
Golden Banana (GNANA): 0xddb3bd8645775f59496c821e4f55a7ea6a6dc299
Golden Banana represents ApeSwap's governance token. Golden Banana can be unlocked through burning BananaTokens. Golden Banana can be used for voting at:
TimelockV1: 0x2F07969090a2E9247C761747EA2358E5bB033460
The Timelock acts to limit how fast owner functions can be called on the protocol. A transaction must first be queued in this contract which emits an event that users can evaluate. After a set delay, this tx can be executed. The Timelock is primarily used to manage contracts which require time-sensitive transactions.
MultiCall: 0x38ce767d81de3940CFa5020B55af1A400ED4F657
The MultiCall contract is a non-value holding contract which is used by the frontend to batch calls to contracts.
Vault Contracts
VaultApe: 0x5711a833C943AD1e8312A9c7E5403d48c717e1aa The VaultApe contract represents the main vault contract, which is in charge of managing all the vaulting strategies utilized on ApeSwap's BNB Chain vaults.
NFA Contracts
Non Fungible Apes: 0x6afC012783e3a6eF8C5f05F8EeE2eDeF6a052Ec4
A standard ERC721/BEP721 smart contract that manages the Non Fungible Apes tokens.
NFA Auction: 0xaeCB396Be7F19618Db4C44d8e2E8C908228515E9
The contract used to manage all NFA auctions on ApeSwap.Finance.
Non Fungible Bananas: 0x9f707A412302a3aD64028A9F73f354725C992081
The smart contract that manages the Non Fungible Banana tokens.
Token Contracts
Polygon BANANA Token: 0x5d47baba0d66083c52009271faf3f50dcc01023c
DEX Contracts
ApeFactoryV2: 0xCf083Be4164828f00cAE704EC15a36D711491284
The ApeFactoryV2 is the primary DEX contract which is used to create and track all pairs created on the ApeSwap protocol. V2 is currently being used on Polygon which has an updated fee model to help support BANANA buy backs.
ApeRouterV2: 0xC0788A3aD43d79aa53B09c2EaCc313A787d1d607
The ApeRouterV2 is an external, non-value holding, contract which manages different sets of interactions with the ApeFactoryV2 related to adding/removing liquidity and swapping tokens. Because this contract holds no value it can be upgraded without needing to redeploy the ApeFactoryV2.
Polygon Zap Contract: 0x236290f7da54465bf7a26f279d2b3553e5402780
Yield Farm Contracts
MiniApeV2: 0x54aff400858Dcac39797a81894D9920f16972D1D
The MiniApeV2 contract represents the main yield farm contract which is in charge of distributing BANANA to yield farmers staking on the Polygon ApeSwap protocol. This contract can be linked to external reward contracts to handle multi-token rewards.
MiniComplexRewarderTime (wMATIC): 0x1F234B1b83e21Cb5e2b99b4E498fe70Ef2d6e3bf
This MiniComplexRewarderTime contract acts as a supplemental contract to the MiniApeV2 contract to handle multi-token rewards. This particular contract handles wMATIC rewards.
Vault Contracts
VaultApe: 0x37ac7DE40A6fd71FD1559Aa00F154E8dcb72efdb
The VaultApe contract represents the main vault contract which is in charge of managing all the vaulting strategies utilized on ApeSwap's Polygon vaults.
Token Contracts
Ethereum BANANA Token: 0x92df60c51c710a1b1c20e42d85e221f3a1bfc7f2
DEX Contracts
ApeFactory: 0xBAe5dc9B19004883d0377419FeF3c2C8832d7d7B
ApeRouter: 0x5f509a3C3F16dF2Fba7bF84dEE1eFbce6BB85587
DEX Contracts
ApeFactory: 0x411172Dfcd5f68307656A1ff35520841C2F7fAec
ApeRouter: 0xb9667Cf9A495A123b0C43B924f6c2244f42817BE
Telos Zap Contract: 0x10614e4395AAc006ca0Ef4970d1412e8e921d911
Token Contracts
Arbitrum BANANA Token: 0xd978f8489e1245568704407a479a71fcce2afe8f
ApeFactory: 0xCf083Be4164828f00cAE704EC15a36D711491284
ApeRouter: 0x7d13268144adcdbEBDf94F654085CC15502849Ff
Arbitrum Zap Contract: 0xc06e6E717E217D9148c30D1B01E1b04CB6E6bB8e
DEX Contracts
ApeFactory: 0x411172Dfcd5f68307656A1ff35520841C2F7fAec
ApeRouter: 0xb9667Cf9A495A123b0C43B924f6c2244f42817BE
Telos Zap Contract: 0x10614e4395AAc006ca0Ef4970d1412e8e921d911
Bonds Contracts
Contracts for ApeSwap Bonds may change over time and can be found here:
Deprecated Contracts
BananaSplitBar: 0x86Ef5e73EDB2Fea111909Fe35aFcC564572AcC06
The BananaSplitBar is a token contract for the BananaSplit token. The BananaSplit token is deprecated because there is a known vulnerability in the MasterApe contract that allows unlimited BananaSplit tokens to be generated. As such, the BananaSplit token is not acknowledged on the ApeSwap protocol.
SupportApe: 0x54aff400858Dcac39797a81894D9920f16972D1D
The SupportApe contract is meant to be used as a staking contract for BananaSplit tokens. As BananaSplit tokens are not used on the ApeSwap protocol, this contract has been deprecated.
Timelock v1: 0x2F07969090a2E9247C761747EA2358E5bB033460
Last updated
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