BANANA Tokenomics
As of 06/14/2023
Current BANANA Mint
BANANA Distribution
Minting vs Emissions
Minting is the process of creating new tokens in a cryptocurrency ecosystem. Emitting, on the other hand, refers to the release of tokens into circulation. Minted tokens are not immediately placed into circulation until they are emitted. The emission process is used to release the new tokens into circulation based on a variable rate determined by Return on Emissions (ROE) and opportunities approved through DAO Governance. Due to technical reasons, we are limited to minting minimum 11 BANANA/Block (based on MasterApeV1 code) until the 420M BANANA hard cap is reached.
Hard Cap
On August 31, 2022, ApeSwap DAO voters approved Governance Proposal 22 to institute a hard cap of 420,000,000 BANANA. This represent the limit on the number of BANANA tokens ever to be minted, (i.e. the sum of all BANANA in circulation on BNB Chain, and any BANANA burned).
The Total Supply of tokens on the official ApeSwapFinance BANANA token contract on BNB Chain, which can be found on BscScan, is capped at 420,000,000 BANANA. As a result of implementing a hard cap, a Fully Diluted Market Capitalization can also be found on the BANANA token contact page on BscScan.
NOTE: Due to how bridging works, it may appear that there are more tokens minted than the voted on hard cap, if you total up the BANANA supply across all chains. Always reference the Total Supply listed on the BANANA token contract on BscScan.
Last updated