How To Get ABOND
Last updated
Last updated
You can acquire ABOND through CEX Fund Bonds too, please check it out
Follow the steps below to buy ABOND thorough Swap page:
1) Connect your wallet to ApeBond (for instructions, visit the How to Connect Your Wallet page).
2) Click Swap on the nav bar.
3) Select the token and enter the amount you'd like to trade for ABOND. If you are attempting to trade a token for the first time, you will need to approve the token contract within your wallet using the Enable button before trading. The other amount will be automatically pre-filled.
4) Check the details to ensure the values are accurate, and click “Swap”.
5) Click Migration on the nav bar.
6) Enter the amount and select the Vesting Term. If you are attempting to migrate for the first time, you will need to approve the Migration bond contract within your wallet using the"Approve Contract" button before migrating.
The longer the lock you select, the higher the Multiplier Boost & Lock Bonus allocation.
7) Check the details to ensure the values are accurate, and click “MIGRATE!”.
Done! You now own a Migration Bond. The applicable NFT will show up under the "Your Migration Bonds" section below, and output tokens will begin vesting over the amount of time shown on the Bond.
Once you own a Migration Bond, you'll see Claim and View buttons on each Bond. You can claim any vested tokens from an individual Migration Bond using the Claim button.