
How Does It Work?

The ApeBond Launchpad leverages our Bonds technology (ERC-5725) to generate "Launch Bonds". We are dedicated to bring top-quality DeFi launches to our users while integrating ABOND to enhance its value. Our Launchpad adds utility to our token and showcases our bonding technology, aiming to broaden the use-cases for bonds and ERC-5725. The Launchpad is designed to engage the community through tiered systems and mechanics, fostering sustainability and growth while welcoming new users from launch projects.

veABOND Points & Launchpad Tiers

We’re introducing a Tier system mechanic to our Launchpad, tying the ability to participate in project launches to the holding of veABOND, which grants points for said Tiers. A minimum Bronze Tier is required in order to be able to participate. The better the Tier you get, the more benefits you'll have in our Launchpad sales. This model encourages long-term investment and greater accumulation of veABOND, fortifying our token’s value and overall strength of our protocol.

Tier System

Each tier offers escalating privileges and investment opportunities, incentivizing users to lock in more veABOND for more points and enhanced access and benefits.

  • Bronze Tier (1,000+ points): 1x Allocation Multiplier

  • Silver Tier (10,000+ points): Minimum 4x Allocation Multiplier

  • Gold Tier (25,000+ points): Minimum 10x Allocation Multiplier

  • Diamond Tier (100,000+ points): Minimum 40x Allocation Multiplier

  • Legend Tier (500,000+ points): Minimum 100x Allocation Multiplier

Launchpad Points

Stake ABOND to get veABOND in order to get points for the Launchpad Tiers. Lock longer to get an additional points multiplier:

  • 45+ days = 1x points multiplier

  • 90+ days = 1.25x points multiplier

  • 180+ days = 1.5x points multiplier

  • 1+ years = 2x points multiplier

Example: If you stake 7,500 ABOND for 180+ days, you will get; 7,500 x 1.5 = 11,250 points (Silver Tier)

Sale Structure

Each launch will feature 2 sale periods:

Last updated